Hello everyone, it is getting to be spring and that means we start planning the CARe SHOW for Kids. This is our tenth year and we keep growing and learning how to make a bigger and better event. This year the 7-11 Lions club will be BBQing Hamburgers and Hot Dogs. The TSA canteen will be serving Chef Salads out of our EDS canteen.
Therd will be plenty of music as usual and this year we want to bring together car enthusiasts that want to have a swap meet. There will be tours of the Casa Grande High School Fish Hatchery and fun, fun, fun for the whole family.
Registration starts at 8:30. Cars will not be let in after 10 a.m. CLICK HERE to register on Event Brite and come early to get your spot in the shade for the day.
First fifty cars get a das plaque and the first 100 get a goodie bag.
If you or your business want to become a sponsor of the event, CLICK HERE
So come one come all to the summer car show you can’t miss!